Midwifery Department


Midwifery department is an academic component which duty is to perform education program of D-III Midwifery and D-IV Midwifery Educator based on : Permenkes No.890/Menkes/Per/VIII/2007, Statuta Poltekkes Dep.Kes. Malang Year 2008, SK Direktur Poltekkes Dep. Kes. Malang .

B. Job Description
Midwifery deparment has responsibilities to conduct vocational study, namely D-III Midwifery to produce beginner  professional midwifery which is formerly called   Ahli Madya Kebidanan and D-IV Midwifery Educator which aims to produce Sarjana Saint Terapan graduates in Midwifery with SST title.

In 2008 Midwifery Department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang has perform education program in three places, those are Malang, Kediri and Jember while D-IV Midwifery educator program is in Malang area.

To perform its function, Midwifery department refers to Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which covers education research and community services activities and doing some guidance for academic personnel especially in Midwifery Department.

In 2008 Midwifery department has conducted :

  1. D-III Midwifery Department Program in Malang
  2. D- IV Midwifery Educator in Malang, Kediri and  Jember
  3. Profesion Midwifery