Power producers Nutrition Professionals
Competency -based education .
Carry out applied research for the development of knowledge , technology , and the arts in the nutrition field .
Carry out community service as one of bentuktanggung social responsibility stakeholder needs .
Improvement and development of resources to support the education enyelenggaraan .
Realize the excellent service .
K : Cooperation
R : Responsive
E : Effective & Efficient
A : Accountable
Q : Transparent
I: Innovative
F : Flexible
Vision of the Diploma Programme Nutrition Malang
Being an expert associate nutrition education providers are competent and competitive in 2015
Mission :
  1. D - III education Nutrition with competency -based curriculum
  2. Conducting applied research for the development of knowledge and technology in the field of food and nutrition
  3. Implement community service activities in the field of food and nutrition
  4. Carry out activities that can foster academic and soft skills as an effort to improve the educational staff Prodi D - III imaging Nutrition
  5. Implement processes supported learning facilities, infrastructure and human resources in the use of IT
  6. Implementing IT -based administrative services


  1. Produce graduates who are competent nutrition expert associate in the field of clinical nutrition , community nutrition and food system administration institutions
  2. Improving critical thinking skills through applied research in the field of food and nutrition
  3. Implement community service activities in the field of food and nutrition in accordance with the field of science for teachers and students
  4. Improve the soft skills of all components of the study program
  5. Increase the ability in the use of IT in education and teaching
  6. Improve the administration of IT-based services
Vision and Mission Studies Program D - IV
Being a Bachelor of Applied Studies Program Producers and Competitive competent Nutrition at the global level 2016
Mission Course
  1. Vocational education in the field of competency -based nutrition
  2. Conducting applied research for solving nutritional problems
  3. Organizing community service in the field of nutrition and health
  4. Organizing activities that can improve the academic community as a soft skill courses imaging efforts
  5. Carrying out administrative activities based Information Technology
  6. Creating a conducive academic atmosphere which is based on scientific autonomy and academic freedom
  1. Bachelor of Applied Nutrition produces competent and master competencies Competitive Learning outcomes refer to the appropriate Indonesian National Qualifications Framework
  2. Developing science and technology innovation to the entire academic conduct applied research to generate scientific work in the field of nutrition
  3. Disseminate science and technology in the field of nutrition and nutrition research results generated applied academics
  4. Improve and develop the academic community as a candidate softskill Health Workers in Nutrition
  5. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the administration in the course of study supported the use of Information Technology
  6. Improve and develop the academic knowledge to the development of science and technology
Towards the middle of 2010 , implemented the restructuring of the Ministry of Health Nutrition Department polytechnic leadership Malang for the period 2010-2014 . Change of leadership which was followed by a nice walk in the room relocation Nutrition Department . The arrangement of the room is representative supports day-to- day activities in the Department of Nutrition at the new working environment and the new environment .
In 2010 , the Ministry of Health Nutrition Department polytechnic Malang successfully gained accreditation with the value of 90.68 . This is the success of the entire Civitas Academica in the Nutrition Department of Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Malang .

 In the same year , some 19 polytechnic faculty of the Department of Nutrition MoH Lecturer Malang successfully obtained certification , delivery of which was held on December 17, 2010 . With certification achieved this lecturer indicates that the polytechnic lecturer in the Department of Nutrition MoH Malang have standardized qualifications .
Similarly, the productivity of the faculty in terms of preparing the book , in 2010 the Ministry of Health Nutrition Department Polytechnic of Malang managed to put together 3 books , namely :
   1 . Professional Ethics by Bachyar Bakri , SKM , M. Kes
   2 . Choosing BM by John Kristianto , Food Grad Dipl , MFT
   3 . Indonesian by Dra . Endang Sri Surowati , MM
In order to meet the Tri Darma Universities in the field of Community Services , Ministry of Health Nutrition Department polytechnic Malang also has managed to create networks involving multiple parties , namely Bakorwil , Lumajang , PKK , and the Health Department . The activity was beneficial to the development of institutions and outsiders who work , for example, the cooperation with the Department of Fisheries and Marine Lumajang to utilization of technology for community -based fisheries .
In Student Affairs , Department of Nutrition through the Student Association ( HMJ ) Nutritional actively involved in the formation of the Association of Student Nutrition Programs in Indonesia are carried out in Yogyakarta .
In order to improve the existence in society , one of the activities that are carried out berhsil Nutrition Programs Website creation with name . This website contains information activities of the Department of Nutrition , Department of Nutrition profile , and some information related to nutrition and health . It is also useful as a means of promotion to the public and community service .
Activities in addition to the implementation of PBM Nutrition Department , also held the professional development of alumni and nutrition . Dalah of which is the establishment of Information Center and Showroom ( PIS ) Nutrition is a collaboration of Ministry of Health Nutrition Department polytechnic with DPC PERSAGI Malang Malang . PIS Nutrition inaugurated on November 9, 2009 which is a means for professional development includes nutrition Nutrition Training activities , provision of catering nutrition , nutritional counseling , and nutrition books .

Soft Opening PIS Nutrition by Mrs. Tuti Soenardi at Hotel Kartika Graha Malang
Nutrition Department participated in the Workshop on Dissemination of National Nutrition Test System Framework for Institutions of Higher Education Nutrition Board in November 2010, where the Department of Nutrition as one team HPEQ ( Health Professional Education Quality ) Project organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education .
Other activities are Research and Community Service , for example, participated in the seminar , social work with orphanages , counseling at IHC , a resource person at several universities and other institutions ( RRI radio , television , STIKES ) .
On January 6 , 2011, at Space Poerwo Soedarmo Nutrition Department , has held meetings Clinical instructure ( CI ) for the D - IV Nutrition students . CI is derived from dr . Saiful Anwar Malang , Malang City Health Department and several health centers in the city of Malang . This meeting is intended to harmonize the CI to promote successful learning Prodi D - IV in particular in the field of Job Training activities and community clinics .
 CI PKL Bidang Masyarakat
 CI PKL Public Sector
In order to improve the capability and competence of the Ministry of Health polytechnic lecturer Malang Nutrition , Department of Nutritional send lecturers to attend Short Course activities include field Nutritional Anthropology , Nutrition in Food Industries , Food Safety in the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization ( SEAMEO ) - RCCN University of Indonesia Jakarta . ( Sugeng iwan )