Socialization of Drugs, Traffic and Handling the Radicals / Terrorism Group (ISIS) by Sananwetan Pol

Socialization of Drugs, Traffic and Handling the Radicals / Terrorism Group (ISIS) by Sananwetan Police Sector, City of Blitar
Drug abuse, traffic violations and problems of radical groups is a legal problem which becomes hot issue that most people talking about. That legal case drags youths as future hope of the nation to legal problem.Therefore, to anticipate that the future candidate of  Indonesian health personnel fall to those problems, D3 Nursing Program of Blitar, State Health Polytechnic Of Malang, held socialization of Drugs, Traffic and Handling the Radicals / Terrorism Group (ISIS) cooperated with the Sananwetan Police Sector, AKP H. Djufri Watratan, SH.
This activity was conducted at Integrated Laboratory Building of D3 Nursing Blitar, followed by all students of D3 Nursing Blitar. On this occasion, Chief of Unit Community Guidance of Police Sananwetan showed examples and explained the dangers of drugs by providing video screening victims of abuse, then the problems that most performed by adolescents that is traffic violations by showing causes of these violations as well as showing multiple photos and videos about accidents caused by traffic violations. Finally, the discussion about the radical group which mostly recruit young people who are easy to be persuaded, and the event was closed questions and answer. (Ags. / Kep Prodi Blitar)