*) State Health Polytechnic of Malang
Indonesia is a disaster-prone country which can be seen from the aspect of geographical, climatological and demographic. The geographical position of Indonesia lies between two continents and two oceans, causing Indonesia has great potential in the economy and proneness to disasters (National Disaster mitigation Agency, 2012). Based on the distribution of high risk disaster zones which have been mapped in the index ratio of volcanic eruption in Indonesia, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency has declared that the disaster-management of volcanic eruption in five years since 2011 aimed at disaster-prone areas of volcanoes include Mount Kelud in the area of Blitar, East Java (Blitar Disaster Mitigation Agency, 2007). These conditions encourage the need for ongoing preparedness effort to be done so that if a disaster occurs then all lines of society and the government is ready in mitigating the disaster impact.
The preparedness of Government including the preparedness of health personnel in disaster-prone areas (the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, 2012). The needs of training should be determined and planned (Moabi, 2008). The needs of training is the need for disaster management team rather than the individual nurse. The Needs that have been identified need to provide some advice for government policy-making in disaster relief.
The main needs in disaster management training one of them is a model of learning aids which is able to provide a clear picture in disaster management. Several months ago, it has been designed a learning medium of Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) of  Kelud in Blitar by lecturers team of State Health Polytechnic of Malang, DIII Blitar Nursing Study Program coordinated by Ns . Agus Khoirul Anam , S.ST. , M.Kep and 3 members of the team, namely, Sri Winarni , S.Pd. , Kes , Ns. Maria Diah Ciptaning Tyas, M.Kep., Sp.MB and Ns. Arif Mulyadi , M.Kep. This learning aids are expected to provide a clear picture in the stages of disaster management in accordance with stages of volcanic activity. Under these conditions, we attempted to create a model of learning aids Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) of Kelud in Blitar that can be used in disaster mitigation learning.
Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) is learning media of mitigation explaining volcanic eruptions accompanied by audio explanations that explain the process of disaster preparedness to the occurrence of volcanic eruptions. This invention is relatively new and has never been used in the study of mitigation. Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) illustrates the process of disaster management of Kelud volcano in Blitar. Here is the process and flow of Disaster mitigating at Kelud Volcano as follows
No Occurrence Description signs
1 The status of Mount Kelud Alert standby Look out
Appearance at the crater : 
Green light 
Yellow light 
Red light
2 An eruption of Mount Kelud and without bursts of red light in the crater Red light and the sound of sirens
3 Signs – evacuation routes The yellow light 
Disaster Prone Area (DPA):
  Evacuation / Shelter white
Audio :
A description of each status and activities performed

Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) is a three - dimensional visual media to describe the condition clearly of volcanic mountain and accompanied by audio narration media on mitigation and disaster relief starting from the stage of caution, alert and danger. Identification of the effectiveness of the use of this learning media on disaster training to increase the ability of Mount Kelud on Disaster Mitigation Community leaders in Disaster Prone Area regency of .Blitar expected able to provide a breakthrough in reducing the impact of disasters and improve preparedness Kelud community disaster management. The learning media of Miniature of Volcanic Disaster Management (MVDM) has been submitted for filing IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) , but it is still in the process of obtaining the license. ( Aug / Kep Prodi Blitar )